
Fewer cars. Better air. Healthier lives.

Meet CTrides

CTrides, a program of the Connecticut Department of Transportation, promotes the adoption of a wide range of transportation options, including public transit, teleworking (work from home), carpooling, vanpooling, walking, and biking.

Our mission is to provide individuals with more choices and flexibility in how they travel, helping to reduce traffic congestion, save on transportation costs, make trips more convenient, and reducing harmful vehicle emissions. Through these efforts, we are dedicated to enhancing the health and overall quality of life for the residents of Connecticut.

How CTrides works for employers

We focus on assisting businesses in providing employees with more transportation options that offer flexibility and cost savings. Our services include experienced consultants at no cost, along with robust analytical tools designed to improve productivity and generate cost savings for the workforce. Other solutions include:


  • Cutting-edge analytical tools to conduct thorough worksite assessments that identify and address your employees’ commuting patterns and challenges.
  • Customized transportation demand management plans tailored to your unique needs and goals, ensuring data-driven solutions.
  • Targeted on-site programs and tools, including ridematching and rewards system, mode-specific try-it-day events, educational insight events, and more.

How CTrides works for the public

Our focus is to enhance Connecticut residents’ well-being and overall quality of life by offering comprehensive information and resources that empower individuals to explore and utilize a variety of transportation options. We aim to promote a culture that emphasizes flexibility, choice, and cost savings, helping people find the best solutions for their daily trips.

CTrides offers various services to support a wide range of transportation options, including:


  • A ridematching tool that connects like-minded individuals seeking carpools or vanpools.
  • Comprehensive information on all public transit services available in the state.
  • Customized trip planning assistance to help individuals create efficient and sustainable travel routes.
  • Commuter reward programs that incentivize the use of sustainable transportation options.
  • Transit passes for new riders to encourage the adoption of public transit.
  • An Emergency Ride Home Program that provides transportation in case of unexpected events.

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