Emergency rides for
your employees.

A no-cost benefit for them, and you!

The CTrides Emergency Ride Home Program (ERH)

Employers know that employees who commute to work using public transit, carpools, or other active commutes are more productive and healthier. That’s why employers across the state offer CTrides’ free Emergency Ride Home program — to eliminate one barrier to driving less. This program guarantees a way home in the event of an emergency when your employees’ qualified commutes (e.g. train, bus, carpool, etc.)* are unavailable.


*Some restrictions apply.


It’s easy to join and offers a host of benefits:

  • Simple for employers – CTrides handles administration and trip reimbursement
  • Program flexibility – Trips can be taken to a home, a park and ride lot, or to a child’s school, among others. Eligible modes from work include on-demand ride services (Uber or Lyft), taxi, or a ride with a coworker
  • Generous allowances – Four reimbursements per year with a maximum of $200 allowance per trip
  • Online reimbursement process

To get started:

1.   Contact Us for an Outreach and Engagement Specialist

2.   Review program guidelines and sign up

3.   Designate two company representatives

4.   Promote the program to your employees

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